1. H041 S823 Word-formation in the world's languages
2. K449.5 W567 When war ends : building peace in divided communities
3. D815.5 V795 Violence at sea : piracy in the age of global terrorism
4.D744.538 N676 Theorising transnational migration :the status paradox of migration
5.D814.1 S546 The security governance of regional organizations
6. D751.891 I87 Russian diaspora :culture, identity, and language change
7. D814.1 L399A republic of Europeans : civic potential in a liberal milieu
8. B911 F548 Religion and politics in international relations : the modern myth
9. D562 W753 Politics of identity in small plural societies : Guyana, the Fiji Islands, and Trinidad and Tobago
10. D756.124 W594 Political participation in Britain :the decline and revival of civic culture
11. D750.38 P467 Perspectives on immigration and terrorism
12. D515 C323 People power and political change :key issues and concepts
13. D815.5 C947 How terrorism ends :understanding the decline and demise of terrorist campaigns
14. D815 G646 Good governance in the 21st century :conflict, institutional change, and development in the era of globalization
15. D815.5eD313Defending democracy and securing diversity
16. K372.6 D291 Decoding the new Taliban :binsights from the Afghan field
17. D815 C748 Conflict management in divided societies : theories and practice
18. D812C737 Comparative environmental regionalism
19. B969 B265 Citizen Islam :the future of Muslim integration in the West
20. D754.32A258 After Yugoslavia :bidentities and politics within the successor states
21.H0-05-62 C178 The Cambridge handbook of sociolinguistics
22.H310.9-62 O198 The Oxford handbook of language evolution
23. H002-62 C178 The Cambridge handbook of language policy
24. B968 D489 Development of parliamentarism in the modern islamic world
25. D735.8 C455 The Changing self image of Southeast Asian society during the 19th and 20th centuries
26. D066 L657 Genocide in the age of the nation-state. Volume 1
27. D815.5 U55 Understanding and responding to terrorism
28. K543.5H673 The historical boundaries between Bosnia, Croatia, Serbia
29. K374.2 M666 Minorities in the Middle East :Muslim Minorities in Arab Countries 1843-1973 Volume 1
30.K374.2eM666 Minorities in the Middle East:Muslim Minorities in Arab Countries 1843-1973 Volume2
31. K374.2eM666 Minorities in the Middle East:Muslim Minorities in Arab Countries 1843-1973 Volume 3
32. K374.2eM666 Minorities in the Middle East:Muslim Minorities in Arab Countries 1843-1973 Volume 4
33. K374.2 M666 Minorities in the Middle East:Kurdish Communities 1918-1974 Volume 1
34. K374.2 M666 Minorities in the Middle East:Kurdish Communities 1918-1974 Volume 2
35. K374.2 M666 Minorities in the Middle East:Kurdish Communities 1918-1974 Volume 3
36. K374.2 M666 Minorities in the Middle East:Kurdish Communities 1918-1974 Volume 4
37. K543.5 H673 The historical boundaries between Bosnia, Croatia, Serbia
38. C95 R118 Race, ethnicity and nation :perspectives from kinship and genetics
39. D523.36 F198The family in question :immigrant and ethnic minorities in multicultural Europe
40. C912.4 A628The anthropology of globalization