1. C912.4S483 Serendipity in anthropological research
2. C95K62 Race and ethnicity : the basics
3. D771.224O12 Obama and race :history, culture, politics
4. D562I61 International perspectives on racial and ethnic mixedness and mixing
5. D523.8O66 International migration and social theory
6. D771.26K27 Inequality :a contemporary approach to race, class, and gender
7. H0-0D621 Basic linguistic theory
8. H0-0eD621 Basic linguistic theory Vol.2
9. H0-0D621 Basic linguistic theory Vol.1
10. B15B585 L'etat-monde :liberalisme, socialisme et communisme a l'echelle globale : refondation du marxisme
11. K512.95E84 Ethno-nationalism, Islam and the state in the Caucasus : post-Soviet disorder