作者:周新亚 日期:2018-10-12 浏览次数:2412

1   K524/C813    A brief history of the Czech lands to 2004 /Petr ?ornej, Ji?í Pokorný ; [translation from the Czech original by Anna Bryson]..

2   D773.74/O41 Another empire? :a decade of Turkey's foreign policy under the Justice and Development Party /edited by Kerem ?Oktem, Ay?se Kad?o?glu, Mehmet Karl?..

3   C912.4-54/B838 Annual review of anthropology :432014Edited by Donald Brenneis and Donald Brenneis, Peter T. Ellison.

4   K12/M225     A companion to ethnicity in the ancient Mediterranean /edited by Jeremy McInerney..

5   C912.4/N813 A companion to urban anthropology /Edited by Donald M. Nonini..

6   B82-057/H985    Ethics and emerging technologies /[edited by] Ronald L. Sandler..

7   D750.24/M111    Ethnic citizenship regimes :Europeanization, post-war migration and redressing past wrongs /Aleksandra Maatsch..

8   B083/S438    Exploring the meaning of life :an anthology and guide /edited by Joshua W. Seachris ; with section introductions by, Thaddeus Metz ... [et al.]..

9   D771.162/K99    Finding our way :rethinking ethnocultural relations in Canada /Will Kymlicka..

10 C912.4/C712 Networked anthropology :a primer for ethnographers /Samuel Gerald Collins and Matthew Slover Durington..

11 H0-05/H749  Research methods in sociolinguistics :a practical guide /edited by Janet Holmes and Kirk Hazen.

12 H04/G376 Predicate Compounding in the Yi-Group :the continuum of grammaticalization /Matthias Gerner..

13 D091.5/E41   Symbols of nations and nationalism :celebrating nationhood /Gabriella Elgenius..

14 D562/G878    Citizenship and ethnicity :the growth and development of a democratic multiethnic institution /Feliks Gross..

15 D066/G878    Ethnics in a borderland :an inquiry into the nature of ethnicity and reduction of ethnic tensions in a one-time genocide area /Feliks Gross..

16 D06/J13   Nationalism, ethnicity and boundaries :conceptualising and understanding identity through boundary approaches /edited by Jennifer Jackson and Lina Molokotos-Liederman..

17 D771.21/B218    Anger and racial politics :the emotional foundation of racial attitudes in America /Antoine J. Banks, University of Maryland..

18 C912.4/K95   Anthropology and anthropologists :the British school in the twentieth century /Adam Kuper.. -- Fourth edition..

19 C912.4/B368 Doubt, conflict, mediation :the anthropology of modern time /edited by Laura Bear..

20 B933/S237    The ethnopoetics of Shamanism /Marcel de Lima.. -- First edition..

21 D0-05/M985  Metaphor, nation and the holocaust :the concept of the body politic /by Andreas Musolff..

22 D771.21/D812    The problem of the color line at the turn of the twentieth century :the essential early essays /W.E.B. Du Bois ; edited by Nahum Dimitri Chandler..

23 K756.162/B651   Race, multiculture and social policy /by Alice Bloch, Professor of Sociology, Department of Sociology, City University, London, UK, Sarah Neal, Reader in Sociology, Department of Sociology, University of Surrey, UK, John Solomos, Professor of Sociology,Department of Sociology, City University, London, UK..

24 F831.59/B347     State of crisis /Zygmunt Bauman and Carlo Bordoni..

25 C912.4/E45   Understanding cultural transmission in anthropology :a critical synthesis /Edited by Roy Ellen, Stephen J. Lycett and Sarah E. Johns..

26 B969.33/T627    Islam and cultural diversity in Southeast Asia /edited by Ikuya Tokoro..

27 C955/B946    An Ethnography of Stress :The Social Determinants of Health in Aboriginal Australia Victoria Katherine Burbank..

28 D0/L977   Crisis of authority :politics, trust, and truth-telling in Freud and Foucault /Nancy Luxon, University of Minnesota..

29 X171.1/M875 The case for grassroots collaboration :social capital and ecosystem restoration at the local level /John Charles Morris, William Allen Gibson, William Marshall Leavitt, and Shana Campbell Jones..

30 D750.38/T821    European immigration :a sourcebook /edited by Anna Triandafyllidou and Ruby Gropas..    

31 D756.51/L419    Imperial rule and the politics of nationalism :anti-colonial protest in the French empire /Adria K. Lawrence, Yale University..   

32 D0-05/Z54    The political philosophies of Antonio Gramsci and Ambedkar :itineraries of Dalits and subalterns /edited by Cosimo Zene..

33 B91/F375 Law and religion :an overview /vol.1edited by Silvio Ferrari, University of Milan, Italy;  Rinaldo Cristofori, Emory University, USA and University of Milan, Italy..

34 B91/F375 Freedom of religion and belief /vol.2edited by Silvio Ferrari, University of Milan, Italy; Rinaldo Cristofori, Emory University, USA and University of Milan, Italy..

35 B91/F375 Religion in the public space /vol.3edited by Silvio Ferrari, University of Milan, Italy; Rinaldo Cristofori, Emory University, USA and University of Milan, Italy..

36 K125/F732    Slaves tell tales  :and other episodes in the politics of popular culture in ancient Greece /Sara Forsdyke..

37 C91/C937 Social structure /Charles Crothers..

38 F112.2/S855  Uncontrollable societies of disaffected individuals.2 /by Bernard Stiegler; translated by Daniel Ross..

39 K103/B959    What is cultural history? /Peter Burke..    

40 B565.59/F762     Wrong-doing, truth-telling :the function of avowal in justice /Michel Foucault ; edited by Fabienne Brion and Bernard E. Harcourt ; translated by Stephen W. Sawyer..   

41 D091.5/M687 Symbols of defeat in the construction of national identity /Steven J. Mock..

42 K37/F873 The Turkic peoples in medieval Arabic writings /Yehoshua Frenkel..

43 C912.4/M821 Anthropology in theory :issues in epistemology /edited by Henrietta L. Moore and Todd Sanders..

44 C95/C187 Doing ethnography today :theories, methods, exercises /Elizabeth Campbell and Luke Eric Lassiter..

45 Q98/K87  Anthropology :appreciating human diversity /Conrad Phillip Kottak, University of Michigan..

46 H0/D951  The anthropology of intentions :language in a world of others /Alessandro Duranti..

47 K837.126.16/Z95    Buckminster Fuller :anthology for the millennium /edited by Thomas T. K. Zung.. -- 2014 Southern Illinois University Press ed..

48 C958/E53 Human culture /Carol R. Ember, Human Relations Area Files, Melvin Emer.. -- Third edition..

49 D771.138/F593   Immigration Canada :evolving realities and emerging challenges in a postnational world /Augie Fleras..

50 D750.62/O58 Minorities of Europeanization :The New Others of European Social Identity /Hakan Ovunc Ongur..  )

51 D441/T587    Women in Southeast Asian Nationalist Movements :a biographical approach /Helen Ting; Susan Blackburn..        

52 C912.4-54/B838 Annual review of anthropology :432014Edited by Donald Brenneis and Donald Brenneis, Peter T. Ellison.

53 H217/B823    The Bisu Language /Xu Shixuan ; Cecilia Brassett (transl.)..

54 C912.4/K34   Stories of culture and place :an introduction to anthropology /Michael G. Kenny and Kirsten Smillie..

55 D066/L914    Racism :global perspectives, coping strategies and social implications /Tracey Lowell, editor..

56 D756.51/P386    La corse et la republique :La vie politique de la fin du second empire au debut du XXI siecle /Jean-Paul Pellegrinetti, Ange Rovere..

57 K297.5-7/T136   Tibetan texts from Khara-khoto in the Stein Collection of the British Library /Tsuguhito Takeuchi, Maho Iuchi..

58 H17/H344 The Be language :A Classified lexicon of Its limkow dialect /Mantaro J. Hashimoto.

59 D066/L318    Activism in Jordan /Penelope Larzilliere ; translated by Cynthia Schoch.

60 C912.82/M113    Alternative countrysides :anthropological approaches to rural Western Europe today /edited by Jeremy MacClancy..

61 K837.125.46/G428   American Indian stories of success :new visions of leadership in Indian Country /Gerald E. Gipp, Linda Sue Warner, Janine Pease, and James Shanley, editors..

62 D066/P142    Angry white people :coming face-to-face with the British far right /Hsiao-Hung Pai ; with a foreword by Benjamin Zephaniah..

63 C912.4/C877 Beyond text? :critical practices and sensory anthropology /edited by Rupert Cox, Andrew Irving and Christopher Wright..

64 D850.0/J76    Britain and the European Union /Alistair Jones..   

65 D756.23/M113    Challenging times, challenging administration :the role of public administration in producing social justice in Ireland /Chris McInerney..

66 C951/B636    The changing Middle Eastern city /Edited by G.H.Blake and R.I. Lawless..

67 K503/S847    Chivalry and the Medieval Past /Edited by Katie Stevenson and Barbara Gribling..

68 C916.2/E53   Community development as micropolitics :comparing theories, policies and politics in America and Britain /Akwugo Emejulu..

69 D911/B456    Constitutional policy in multilevel government :the art of keeping the balance /Arthur Benz..

70 D871.22/D671    Contemporary U.S.-Latin American relations :cooperation or conflict in the 21st century? /edited by Jorge I. Domínguez and Rafael Fernández de Castro..

71 F114.41/S259     Crises and institutional change in regional integration /edited by Sabine Saurugger and Fabien Terpan..   

72 D750.9/A365 Crowns and colonies :European monarchies and overseas empires /edited by Robert Aldrich and Cindy McCreery..

73 D814.2/R532 Cultures of governance and peace :a comparison of EU and Indian theoretical and policy approaches /edited by J. Peter Burgess, Oliver P. Richmond and Ranabir Samaddar..

74 D771.262/M588  A dangerous idea :the Alaska Native Brotherhood and the struggle for indigenous rights /Peter Metcalfe, with Kathy Kolkhorst Ruddy..

75 C912.4/H437 Death and security :memory and mortality at the bombsite /Charlotte Heath-Kelly..

76 D850.2/S634 Defense of the west :NATO, the European Union and the transatlantic bargain /Stanley R. Sloan..

77 F140.3/K18   Development in Africa :refocusing the lens after the Millenniun Development Goals /edited by George Kararach, Hany Besada and Timothy M. Shaw..

78 C912.4/C573 Development and sustainability: the challenge of social change /Alberto D. Cimadamore; et al.

79 G304/W722   Doing international research :global and local methods /Christopher Williams..

80 D740.62/R718    Ethnic politics and state power in Africa :the logic of the coup-civil war trap /Philip Roessler (College of William & Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia)..

81 C913/D685    Ethical and legal debates in irish healthcare :confronting complexities /edited by Mary Donnelly and Claire Murray..

82 D756.10/S844    Everyday security threats :perceptions, experiences, and consequences /Daniel Stevens and Nick Vaughan-Williams..

83 D850.3/V364 Europe's border crisis :biopolitical security and beyond /Nick Vaughan-Williams.. -- First edition..

84 D993.7/M552 The EU and the security-development nexus :bridging the legal divide /by Hans Merket..

85 F150.5/G633 The European Union's policy towards Mercosur :responsive not strategic /Arantza Gomez Arana..

86 C95/T389 Exoticisation undressed :ethnographic nostalgia and authenticity in Emberá clothes /Dimitrios Theodossopoulos..

87 D756.13/G235    Exploring British politics /Mark Garnett and Philip Lynch.. -- Fourth edition..

88 C912.4/C319 Expose, oppose, propose :alternative policy groups and the struggle for global justice /William K. Carroll..

89 C95/G618 Faith & practice in conflict resolution :toward a multidimensional approach /edited by Rachel M. Goldberg..

90 D06/H299 German cosmopolitan social thought and the idea of the West :voices from Weimar /Austin Harrington..

91 D523.8/M113 Global migrations :the Scottish diaspora since 1600 : a tribute to Professor Sir Tom Devine /edited by Angela McCarthy and John M. MacKenzie..

92 C95/L724 Global indigenous politics :a subtle revolution /Sheryl Lightfoot..

93 D814.1/C837 How the EU really works /Olivier Costa, Nathalie Brack.. -- 9781472414632 (hardback : alk. paper);

94 D750.38/M113    Immigration and perceptions of national political systems in Europe /Lauren M. McLaren.. -- First edition..

95 D756.12/H353    Independence of the Scottish mind :elite narratives, public spaces and the making of a modern nation /Gerry Hassan, University of the West of Scotland, UK..

96 C912.4/C973 Indigenous criminology /Chris Cunneen and Juan Tauri..

97 D756.122/T942   Interpreting governance, high politics and public policy :essays commemorating interpreting British governance /edited by Nick Turnbull..

98 D523.8/B651 Living on the margins :undocumented migrants in a global city /Alice Bloch and Sonia McKay..

99 D523.31/M647    Making and managing public policy /Karen Johnston Miller and Duncan McTavish..

100    D523.31/C597    Making policy move :towards a politics of translation and assemblage /John Clarke, Dave Bainton, Noémi Lendvai and Paul Stubbs..

101    D856.19/C325    Mistress of everything :Queen Victoria in indigenous worlds /edited by Sarah Carter and Maria Nugent..

102    D743.71/A288    Nation as grand narrative :the Nigerian press and the politics of meaning /Wale Adebanwi..

103    C95/L447 National identities and international relations /Richard Ned Lebow, King's College London, University of Cambridge and Dartmouth College..

104    D756.162/G76    Negotiating cohesion, inequality and change :uncomfortable positions in local government /Hannah Jones..

105    D750.2/B583 The new intergovernmentalism :states and supranational actors in the post-Maastricht era /edited by Christopher J. Bickerton, Dermot Hodson, and Uwe Puetter..

106    H339/H157    Taking stock of German studies in the United States :the new millennium /edited by Rachel J. Halverson and Carol Anne Costabile-Heming..

107    D033.3/H281 A new social question :capitalism, socialism and utopia /Edited by Casey Harison..

108    D06/D252 No fist is big enough to hide the sky :the liberation of Guinea-Bissau and cape verde, 1963-74 /Basil Davidson..

109    D756.132/A948   No solution :the Labour government and the Northern Ireland conflict, 1974-79 /S.C. Aveyard..

110    K710.8/K24   North America before the European invasions /Alice Beck Kehoe..

111    D853.30/K29 Norway's peace policy :soft power in a turbulent world /Ann Kelleher, James Larry Taulbee, and Peter C. Grosvenor..   

112    C91/P766 A philosophy of the social construction of crime /David Polizzi.. -- 9781447327325(hbk.) :CNY489.00

113    D917.3/M654 Philosophical criminology /Andrew Millie..

114    D815.5/A211 Political torture in popular culture :the role of representations in the post-9/11 torture debate /Alex Adams..

115    D771.238/W837  The politics of immigration :demographic change, and American national identity /Tom K. Wong..

116    D761.122/H432  Policy analysis in Australia /edited by Brian Head and Kate Crowley..

117    D752.422/V575  Policy analysis in the Czech Republic /edited by Arnot Vesel, Martin Nekola, Eva M. Hejzlarová..

118    D756.19/W231   Popular culture and political agency in early modern England and Ireland :essays in honour of John Walter /edited by Michael J. Braddick and Phil Withington..

119    C924.424/S524   Population, tradition, and environmental control in colonial Kenya /Martin S. Shanguhyia..

120    F112.1/B794  Poverty and inequality in middle income countries :policy achievements, political obstacles /edited by Einar Braathen, Julian May, Marianne S. Ulriksen and Gemma Wright..

121    D06/K86  The power of the oath :Mau Mau nationalism in Kenya, 1952-1960 /Mickie Mwanzia Koster..

122    D068/P895    Practical approaches to peacebuilding :putting theory to work /edited by Pamina Firchow, Harry Anastasiou..

123    R749-097.12/D754  Psychiatry and racial liberalism in Harlem, 1936-1968 /Dennis A. Doyle..

124    D066/S559    Redefining genocide :settler colonialism, social death and ecocide /Damien Short..

125    D756.61/B636    The regeneration of east Manchester :a political analysis /Georgina Blakely & Brendan Evans..

126    F140.3/M517 The Rise of Africa's Middle Class :Myths, Realities and Critical Engagements /edited by Henning Melber..

127    D523.8/L487 Security / Mobility :Politics of Movement /edited by Matthias Leese and Stef Wittendorp..

128    D756.17/F331    Analysis and debate in social policy, 2016 /edited by Menno Fenger, John Hudson and Catherine Needham..

129    D5/M676  Strategic Culture, Securitisation and the Use of Force :Post-9/11 security practices of liberal democracies /Wilhelm Mirow..

130    K835.627/O18    Studies in Irish radical leadership :lives on the left /edited by Emmet O'Connor and John Cunningham..

131    H0/M477  The Theoretical Background and Practical Implications of Argumentation in Ireland /Davide Mazzi..

132    D771.164-09/S667  Toronto, the Belfast of Canada :the Orange Order and the shaping of municipal culture /William J. Smyth..

133    D81/W582     Theories of international relations and Northern Ireland /edited by Timothy J. White..

134    D562-09/W853   Traces of history :elementary structures of race /Patrick Wolfe..

135    D773.74/T279    Turkey :the insane and the melancholy /Ece Temelkuran ; translated by Zeynep Beler.

136    R-013/B144  Understanding health policy /Rob Baggott..

137    D771.224/D495  The VP advantage :how running mates influence home state voting in presidential elections /Christopher J. Devine and Kyle C. Kopko..

138    D777.42/A592    Venezuela reframed :Bolivarianism, indigenous peoples and socialisms of the twenty-first century /Luis Fernando Angosto-Ferrández..

139    D032/L735    Violence and civilization in the Western states-systems /Andrew Linklater..

140    B565.53/S249    What is subjectivity? /by Jean-Paul Sartre ; translated by David Broder and Trista Selous ; introduction by Michel Kail and Raoul Kirchmayr ; afterword by Fredric Jameson..

141    D747.862/P213   Israel and South Africa :the many faces of apartheid /Edited by Ilan Pappe..

142    K37/D476 Minorities in the Middle East, Christian Minorities 1838 - 1967Part  II(1915-1958)Assyrian Communities in the Levant and IraqEdited by B. Destani.

143    K37/D476 Minorities in the Middle East, Christian minorities 1838-1967.Part Ⅰ(1846-1915)The Treatment of Armenians in Turkey and the LevantEdited by B. Destani.

144    K37/D476 Minorities in the Middle East, Christian Minorities 1838 - 1967Part  Ⅰ(1880-1938)Assyrian Communities in the Levant and IraqEdited by B. Destani.

145    H823/N974    The Bantu languages.Edited by Derek Nurse and Gerard Philippson.

146    K376.4/Y94   Tax farm register of damascus province in the Seventeenth Century/Archival and historical studiesEdited by Nagata Yuzo et al..

147    K411.32/E34 A guide to parliamentary records in monarchical Egypt ,Prepared by Nagasawa Eiji and Ikeda Misako.

148    D634.371/F363   Race and the city :Chinese Canadian and Chinese American political mobilization /Shanti Fernando..

149    H212.1/S546 Studies on the Menggu Ziyun ,by Zhongwei Shen.

150    D814.1/B337 Acquisition and loss of nationality :policies and trends in 15 European states /vol.1comparative analysesedited by Rainer Baubock ... [et al.]..

151    D814.1/B337 Acquisition and loss of nationality :policies and trends in 15 European states /vol.2country analysesedited by Rainer Baubock .   

152    K712.8/W952 A guide to the Indian tribes of Oklahoma /Muriel H. Wright ; foreword by Arrell Morgan Gibson.. -- 080612041X (pbk.) :CNY100.00

153    C912.4-28/S784 The museum of anthropology and ethnography :T.V. Stanyukovich.

154    K281.2/F949 Quaestiones mongolorum disputatae/ⅠEdited by H Futaki & B. Oyunbilig

155    K281.2/F949 Quaestiones mongolorum disputatae/ⅡEdited by H Futaki, B. Oyubilig & W. R. Shen  

156    K37/D476 Minorities in the Middle East,Christian Minorities 1838 - 1967Part  Ⅱ(1938-1951)Assyrian Communities in the Levant and Iraqedited by B. Destani..

157    K37/D476 Minorities in the Middle East, Christian Minorities 1838 – 1967 1844-1955Greek Orthodox Communities, Roman Catholic, Jacobite, Chaldean and Syrian Catholic Communities in the Levant and Iraq/edited by B. Destani..

158    K37/D476 Minorities in the Middle East, Christian Minorities 1838 - 1967Paet Ⅰ(1838-1860)Christian Communities in the Levantedited by B. Destani..

159    K37/D476 Minorities in the Middle East, Christian Minorities 1838 - 1967Paet Ⅱ(1838-1860)Christian Communities in the Levantedited by B. Destani..

160    K37/D476 Minorities in the Middle East, Christian Minorities 1838 - 1967Part Ⅲ(1861-1955, and Jeddah 1858, 1895)Christian Communities in the Levantedited by B. Destani..

161    K37/D476 Minorities in the Middle East, Christian Minorities 1838 - 19671841-1958 and 1917-1967Maronite Communities in the Levant and Coptic Christian Communities in the Levant and Egypt, edited by B. Destani..

162    K37/D476 Minorities in the Middle East,Christian Minorities 1838 - 19671841-1913Protestant Communities in the Levant; Protestant communities in the Levant, 1841-1913 /edited by B. Destani..

163    K3/D476  Minorities in the Middle EastDruze Communities, 1840-1974vol.41927-1974Edited by B. Destani..

164    D091.5/S642 The cultural foundations of nations :hierarchy, covenant and republic /Anthony D. Smith..

165    C912.1/D411 Biculturalism, self identity and societal transformation /edited by Rutledge M. Dennis..

166    D815/K75 Globalization :theory and practice /edited by Eleonore Kofman and Gillian Youngs..

167    H11/X7    Interfaces in Chinese phonology/Festschrift in honor of Matthew Y. Chen on his 70 birthdayYuchau E. Hsiao et al..

168    K280.45/S819    Ancient Khotan :detailed report of archaeological explorations in Chinese Turkestan /vol.ⅠTextcarried out and described under the orders of H. M. Indian government by M. Aurel Stein..

169    K280.45/S819    Ancient Khotan :detailed report of archaeological explorations in Chinese Turkestan /vol.Ⅱ; pPlatescarried out and described under the orders of H. M. Indian government by M. Aurel Stein..

170    D835.12/K11 India and Central Asia :the mythmaking and international relations of a rising power /Emilian Kavalski..

171    K561.8/M996 Under one flag :how indigenous and ethnic peoples of the Commonwealth and former British Empire helped Great Britain win World War II /Erica Myers-Davis..

172    D771.262/P648  The politics of race and ethnicity in the United States :Americanization, de-Americanization, and racialized ethnic groups /Sherrow O. Pinder..

173    K297.5/M498 Tibet :writings on history and politics /Parshotam Mehra..

174    Q98/B838 Annual review of anthropology.Vol. 422013Edited by Donald Brenneis and Karen B. Strier.

175    D442-53/W246   A Collection of Essays on Chinese women of Minority Nationalities /Edited in chief by Wang Fulin, Yang Houdi and Yang Fan..

176    Q98/V798     Culture(s), cre?ation et identite?s :un regard anthropologique pluriel : [actes du colloque international de La Re?union les 21 et 22 novembre 2012]e?dite? par Yu-Sion Live; Jun'ichi Oda..

177    I0/W197   Burton and Orientalism :Burton and contemporary discourseJohn Wallen.

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