作者:华东师范大学人类学研究所 日期:2015-09-29 浏览次数:931


The anthropology seminar--MODO 14



 The economic production of European populism



Lynda Dematteo


(Researcher at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, CNRS, France.)



13:00, 30th.Sept. , Wednesday


Reporting Room, Fashang (Law and Business) Building (North), Minhang campus, ECNU (500 Dongchuan Road, Minhang) .



琳达·德马泰奥毕业于法国里尔政治学院,并于2002年获得法国社会科学高等研究院社会人类学博士学位。在里尔第三大学任教数年后,她前往蒙特利尔国际研究中心进行博士后研究。在导师Marc Abélès的指导下,她基于经典仪式转换分析对北方联盟进行了人类学研究。她于2008年加入法国国家科研中心,继续展开全球化对欧洲的政治生活影响的研究,尤其是置身于国际生产链中的小型企业家逐渐弱化的国家归属感。她旨在强调全球化与贸易保护主义抬头现象之间复杂而又矛盾的联系。

Lynda Dematteo

Short bio

Lynda Dematteo graduated from the Institut d’Études Politiques in Lille (1996) and obtained her PhD in Social Anthropology at the EHESS (2002). After having taught at Lille 3 University, she obtained a postdoctoral fellowship at the Montreal Centre for International Studies. Under the supervision of Marc Abélès, she developed an anthropological study of the Northern League based on classic analyses of the rites of inversion. She joined the CNRS in 2008 to carry researches on the impact of globalization on political life in Europe, particularly exploring the weakening of the sense of national belonging among small business people involved in international production chains. She aims to highlight the complex and paradoxical links between the globalization and the rise of protectionism.





The Abstract


Today, all textile companies, including those working for the haute couture (luxury textiles), are concerned by the internationalization of production, and the « made in » patriotism tends to become a pure marketing slogan. The commercialization of the image of a territory - the «nation branding» - in reality conceals global supply chains. What effect might this have on the process of assertion of identity in the political sphere? After having carried out an ethnography of the Northern League, a powerful separatist right wing political party in the North of Italy, I have sought to investigate the social contradictions between economic internationalization and localist withdrawal. My interest is based on an observation: the Northern League has established itself in the old textile districts of the «Made in Italy» (Biella, Como, Bergamo, Vicenza, Treviso). Since 2008, the districts of the «red regions» (Carpi, Prato), i.e. were left wing parties traditionally win a majority of the vote, were also overtaken by a wave of anti-Chinese resentment and votes in favour of the League exploded in these areas traditionally hostile to it.



Institute of Anthropology,ECNU

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