作者:加研中心 日期:2007-06-12 浏览次数:1953




From Left­Graham Johnson,Du Fachun,David Pokotylo,Heather Pokotylo

    应中国社科院民族所加拿大研究中心的邀请,2007年5月27-31日,加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚大学(University of British Columbia ,UBC))人类学与社会学系教授詹森(Graham Johnson)博士到北京访问,为中国社科院民族所、北京外国语大学、清华大学的师生做了三场学术讲座。
    在中国社科院民族所,詹森教授作了“加拿大移民和华人研究”的学术讲座并进行了讨论。参加座谈的有:社科院民族所加拿大研究中心副主任、博士生导师周庆生教授,中国社会科学院海外华人研究中心秘书长曾少聪教授,以及民族所加拿大研究中心的姜德顺、石茂明、丁赛、张小敏、高建平、杜发春等。在清华大学,詹森教授作了“侨乡移民港口与北美的联系:跨越三个世纪的变迁”的演讲。演讲会由清华大学人文学院教授、博士生导师龙登高先生主持。来自中国科学院地理研究所的陈秀荣教授、国务院侨务办公室李爱慧博士以及清华大学的研究生参加了座谈。受北京外国语大学加拿大研究中心主任龚燕教授的委托,王文丽老师邀请詹森教授到北外作了“从加拿大华人看加拿大的多元文化”的讲座。来自北外加拿大研究中心、加拿大俱乐部、英语学院等院系的师生共20余人聆听了詹森教授的讲座并相互进行了交流。另外,来自澳大利亚的访问学者安•安琪儿(Ann Angles)博士也参加了讨论。
    詹森教授被人称作“中国通”,他颇具语言天赋,除了能讲英语和法语外,他还能说一口流利的粤语、普通话并通晓客家话。其主要研究领域为中国珠江三角洲的经济社会转型、东南亚侨乡移民与北美的关系、加拿大华人研究等。1971年,詹森第一次来到中国广东,开始了他的“中国之旅”,30多年来,他的足迹遍布几乎所有中国主要城市。詹森教授的妻子罗碧诗(Elizabeth L. Johnson)博士现为UBC大学的人类学博物馆馆长。
    中国加拿大研究会副秘书长杜发春全程陪同詹森教授到社科院、北外和清华等校访问。詹森教授在北京访问期间,中国社会科学院国际合作局副局长张友云教授,中国人民大学人类学研究所所长、博士生导师庄孔韶教授分别会见并宴请了詹森博士。期间,杜发春还宴请了UBC大学人类学系主任大卫•普科提罗(David Pokotylo)教授,以及多伦多莱尔森大学林小华(Howard Lin)教授一行。杜发春向客人介绍了2008年国际人类学民族学世界大会(IUAES 2008)的筹备情况,拟请普科提罗教授主持一个考古人类学的专题会议。IUAES 2008定于2008年7月15-23日在中国昆明召开,大会的主题是“人类、发展和文化多样性”,会议规模预计为5,000人,其中来自加拿大的学者预计将超过100人。普科提罗教授是应中国社会科学院考古研究所的邀请来华进行学术访问的。
    Dr. Graham Johnson from UBC Visited CASS, BFSU and Tsinghua U.
    On May 27th-31st of 2007, invited by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), Dr. Graham Johnson from the University of British Columbia (UBC) delivered three lectures/presentations in CASS, Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU) and Tsinghua University. Besides, Professor Zhang You-yun, the Vice-Director of the International Cooperation Bureau at CASS, and Professor Zhuang Kong-shao, the Director of the Institute of Anthropology at China Renming University etc. welcomed Professor Johnson’s visit.
    The topic of Dr. Johnson’s presentation in Tsinghua University is Chinese in Canada: A Case Study of Duanfen 150 Years on Transformation of a Qiaoxiang, which described the changes that have occurred in Duanfen Township, located in the southern portion of Taishan in the western region of the Pearl River delta region of Gangdong province. Taishan as a whole has been a major centre of out migration for more than 150 years. Its migrants were gold-miners in the United States, Canada and Australia. Their links with Canada are especially important. They were the crucial elements in completing the railway that was critical for the emergence of Canada as a modern political entity. Dr. Johnson examined what has happened in the Chinese homeland and how its links abroad have both helped and hindered its development. Further, the presentation focused in part on the architectural environment that links Duanfen, Taishan City, Guangzhou and Vancouver. This presentation organized by Professor Long Deng-gao from the school of Social Sciences at Tsinghua U. attendees of this meeting came mainly from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Oversea Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council of PRC, and Tsinghua U..
    Organized by Professor Wang Wen-li from the Canadian Studies Center at BFSU, Dr. Johnson’s presentation titled Cultural Diversity in Canada from the perspective of Chinese Immigration. There were 20 teachers and students from BFSU attended this lecture, including Dr. Ann Angles who is a visiting scholar in BFSU from Australia.
    A roundtable discussion has been held in CASS, which focused on Immigration and Chinese Canadian. Dr. Johnson introduced very detailed information about the Chinese in Canada, involves their history of migration, suffering of discrimination, contributions to Canadian development, and its current situation in Canada. There were 8 Professors from CASS attended this roundtable discussion: Zhou Qing-sheng, Zeng Shao-cong, Jiang De-shun, Shi Mao-min, Ding Sai, Zhang Xiao-min, Gao Jian-ping, and Du Fa-chun.
    Graham Johnson is a Professor Emeritus in the Department of Anthropology and Sociology at UBC. Dr. Johnson works primarily on the economic and social transformation of the Pearl River delta region, Guangdong province, south China, migration into the region, and the integration of Hong Kong into southern China. He also has research interests in the areas of food security in China and the impact of transport infrastructure in Guangdong, Gansu and Shanghai. Dr. Johnson maintains a standing interest in the changing New Territories of Hong Kong, especially Tsuen Wan, and Chinese-Canadian Communities in Canada. Dr. Johnson is languages expert who can speak English, French, Chinese mandarin, Cantonese, and Hakka. In May of 2007, Dr. Johnson came with Dr. Henry Yu and 15 UBC students on a unique summer class to Hong Kong, Singapore, and Malaysia that examined Chinese migrations in global context.
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