作者:杜发春 日期:2007-02-27 浏览次数:2288





    香港中文大学人类学系前任系主任陈志明教授参与会议并主持了一个分组的研讨。印度加尔各答大学人类学系主任、国际人类学与民族学联合会人权委员会主席乔度里教授主持了一个分组评议,并提交和宣读了题为“发展、环境与土著人的和谐或矛盾问题:一个跨文化的研究”的论文。法国国家科学研究中心劳伦特•巴赞博士提交和宣读了题为“市场经济的进程:在不同国家的人类学调查与个案研究”的论文;英国伦敦大学金银研究所亚历山大•凯瑟琳博士提交和宣读了题为“回归过去:归国者与另类哈萨克”的论文;香港中文大学人类学系副教授林舟博士提交和宣读了题为“中国的私彩:隐蔽的经济与资本主义文化” 的论文;香港中文大学人类学系助教保罗•菲斯塔博士提交和宣读了题为“历史与希望:战后台湾私彩的政治”的论文;中国社会科学院民族学与人类学研究所研究员张继焦博士提交和宣读了题为“市场化中的制度创新:对农村经济发展的影响——对一种新兴非政府组织的个案研究”的论文。
    这次专题会议是中国民族学会、国际人类学与民族学联合会第十六届世界大会筹备委员会(ICAES 2008)、中山大学等3家在广州联合主办的“文化多样性与当代世界” 国际学术研讨会的分会场之一。
    Cooperation between Chinese and French Scholars:
    A Panel on“Social change and economic development: Disparity of national situations under globalisation”
    Du Fachun
    (Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)
    A panel on “Social change and economic development: Disparity of national situations under globalisation” has been co-organized by Prof. & Dr. Zhang Jijiao (Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences) and Dr. Laurent Bazin [National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS),France] in Guangzhou, 24 Dec., 2006.
    This is a panel during the International Symposium on “Cultural Diversity and the Present World”---- A Preparatory Conference for the 16th International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (ICAES 2008) in China.
    The participants in this panel were from 5 Countries and Regions: China, French, India, England and Hongkong.
    Some of their papers in this panel are:
    (1)Prof. Buddhadeb Chaudhuri (Calcutta University, India):
    “Development, Environment and Indigenous People-Harmony or Conflict: A Cross Cultural Study”
    (2)Dr. Laurent Bazin [National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS),France]:
    “The progress of market economy: anthropological approach and case studies in different countries”
    (3)Prof. Zhang Jijiao (Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)
    “Institutional Innovation and Its Impact on Rural Economic Development in Marketization ----A Case Study on a New Non-government Organization in China”
    (4)Dr. Catherine Alexander(Goldsmiths, London University):
    “The returning past: repatriates and the wrong kind of Kazakh”
    (5)Dr. Joseph Bosco (The Chinese University of Hong Kong):
    “Informal Lotteries in China: The Occult Economy and Capitalist Culture”
    (6)Dr. Paul Festa (The Chinese University of Hong Kong):
    “History and Hope: The Politics of Lotteries in Postwar Taiwan”
    During the last 20 years, some clear changes have occurred to the structure of the world economy: liberalizations, privatizations, implementation of market economy models are replacing the former development policies, while the fluidity of financial capital amplifies the concentration of wealth to an unknown level. A new ‘international division of labor’ has appeared, characterized by the deindustrialization of large parts of the world, and the industrialization of some other regions. The rapid alterations in the structure of the world economy has led to disparate national situations of expansion or decline: for instance, while most African countries are being progressively marginalized or confronted with internal conflicts, East Asia strengthens its position, the motor of which is currently China; at the same time, Western Europe or the USA continue to concentrate the major part of the exchanges but are confronted by an impoverishment of their lower social classes. Some societies across the world have seen very dramatic changes: the dismantlement of the USSR led to the brutal collapse of the economy, especially in the Central Asian and Caucasian new independent states. Since the late 1990s, this period has been marked by financial crises that have been as abrupt and severe as those in South-East Asia, Russia, Mexico, Turkey, Argentina, etc.; On the other hand, however, some countries are successfully experimenting with rapid economic growth and development of trade and industry, the most impressive of such ‘miracles’ being China.
    How do societies respond to these changes in their economic life? What changes does economic development or regression create in term of social relations? Many anthropologists carry out their fieldwork and analyses through the observation of the social changes that occur in these contexts of either rapid economic expansion or depression. But there is a need, not only to present single case studies but to try to confront and compare them, as they are contemporary and linked with the general context of globalization. The panel will be devoted to discussions, reflections and comparisons, drawing attention especially to the diversity of situations in different regions of the world.
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