加拿大文化遗产部上海世博园加拿大馆长Wayne Scott 致开幕辞
加拿大驻华公使 Sidney Frank 发言:多元文化主义和公民身份政策
主旨发言人:加拿大原住民成就基金会总裁 Roberta Jameson
加拿大研究会执行会长Jack Jedwab发言
7月5日上午,会议在上海世博会加拿大馆隆重开幕。加拿大文化遗产部世博会加拿大馆馆长威•斯科特(Wayne Scott)先生首先致辞,欢迎中加两国50余位学者的到来。他说,截至2010年7月5日,已有200万人参观了加拿大馆。加拿大研究会执行主任杰克•杰伟波(Jack Jedwab)、复旦大学加拿大公共政策研究中心主任刘建军教授、中国加拿大研究会副秘书长杜发春教授也在开幕式上发言。国家民族事务委员会政策研究室副主任李红杰研究员、山东省民委副主任马银平教授、浙江省民族宗教委员会副主任陈智慧女士等民族研究部门的领导出席了研讨会。加拿大研究会期刊部主任莎拉•库威女士(Sarah Kooi)主持了开幕式。
加拿大原住民成就基金会总裁罗伯塔•詹美逊(Roberta Jameson)女士作了主旨发言。加拿大驻华大使馆公使衔参赞西德尼•弗兰克(Sidney Frank)先生作了题为“加拿大多元文化主义和公民政策”的报告。中国加拿大研究会会长王昺教授出席会议并主持了专题讨论。在两天的会议里,中、加两国学者围绕以下八个专题进行了深入的研讨:中加移民趋势,少数民族和公民权利,移民、少数民族和国家认同,少数民族、民族语言和认同,少数民族与跨国主义,离散与流动,移民和民族政策,中加民族研究合作商谈等。7月6日晚,研讨会在复旦大学闭幕。复旦大学国际关系与公共事务学院副院长陈玉刚教授、加拿大研究会执行主任Jack Jedwab等作了总结发言。加拿大女王大学中国代表处主任、复旦大学兼职教授张志尧博士主持了闭幕式。
共有来自加拿大和中国的50余人代表出席了会议,其中来自加拿大20人、中国30人。50多位加中学者和政策制定者参加了这次论坛,共同探讨加拿大和中国关于国内与国际移民相关的挑战。加拿大专家提交了围绕论坛主题的各种议题的论文,包括原住民和阿卡迪亚人的状况、加拿大和美国跨边境人员流动以及旨在解决多元化人口需求的加拿大政策。中国学者和政策制定者也提交了论文,特别是关于中国少数民族的情况,以及他们移民到中国大城市的影响。加中论坛确定了共同感兴趣的领域,进一步加强了中加两国学者之间在移民、民族认同、社会和经济政策方面的相互了解,并为双方持续对话奠定了基础。作为为期两天论坛的中方主办人,中国社会科学院杜发春老师说:“通过进一步了解我们两国所面临的移民问题,我们两国还有许多事情需要相互了解。”论坛加方主办人--加拿大研究会执行主任Jack Jedwab说:“我们期待着扩大两国政策制定者和研究人员之间的对话,并找出创新的办法以应对移民挑战,以期为所有人建设一个更美好的未来。” 加拿大代表分别来自魁北克政府、加拿大亚太基金会、加拿大原住民成就基金会、多伦多大学、麦吉尔大学、萨斯喀彻温大学、不列颠哥伦比亚大学、阿尔伯塔大学、渥太华大学、莱尔森大学、蒙克登大学、女王大学、俄勒冈大学、加拿大研究会、加拿大环球时报等。中国代表30人来自国家民族事务委员会、中国社会科学院、复旦大学、浙江省民族事务委员会、浙江社会科学院、浙江大学、山东省民族事务委员会、山东省委党校、中央民族大学、辽宁师范大学、上海大学、上海对外贸易学院等。
Canada-China Forum on Migration and Identity in Shanghai
The Association for Canadian Studies (ACS), the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology at the Chinese Academy for Social Sciences (CASS) and the Center for Canadian Public Policy Studies of Fudan University successfully marked the 40th Anniversary of Canada-China diplomatic relations by inaugurating the Canada-China Forum on Migration and Identity. This event was held on July 5th, 2010 at the Canada Pavilion of Expo 2010 Shanghai and on July 6th at Fudan University, Shanghai (China).
The Forum was opened by Mr. Wayne Scott, Deputy Commisioner General of the Canada Pavilion, and a keynote adress was delivered by Mrs. Roberta Jameson, President and CEO of the National Aboriginal Achievement Foundation. On behalf the Canadian Embassy in China, Mr. Sidney Frank, Minister Counselor, gave a presentation on “Canada’s Multiculturalism and Citizenship Policy”.
More than 50 scholars and policy-makers participated in this Forum to discuss the challenges associated with domestic and international migration in Canada and China. Experts from Canada presented papers on a variety of topics, including the condition of Aboriginal Peoples and Acadians, movement across the Canada-US borders and policies in Canada aimed at addressing the needs of a diverse population. Chinese scholars and policy-makers also presented papers, notably on the condition of Chinese national minorities and the impact of their migration to larger cities in the country. The Canada-China forum identified areas of common interest and established the basis for an ongoing dialogue and joint Canada-China research agenda on issues of migration and identity. "There is much to be learned about our two countries by better understanding the migration issues they face" said CASS Du Fachun, Chinese co-chair of the two-day forum. "We look forward to expanding the dialogue between policy-makers and researchers in the two countries and identifying innovative ways to address the challenges of migration, with a view to build a better future for all" stated Jack Jedwab, Canadian co-chair of the forum and Exe-cutive Director of the ACS.
July 4-7(Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday), 2010
Day 1 (July 4,Sunday) ARRIVAL and REGISTRATION
Address: Hotel
第一天(2010年7月4日,周日) 报到注册
Day 2 (July 5, Monday) Opening Ceremony,and Presentations
Location: Canada Pavilion , Shanghai Expo
第二天(2010年7月5日,周一) 开幕式、会议发言
? 7:50-9:20 Depart to Expo from Hotel by conference bus, Entrance 8.
? 9:30-10:15 Welcome by Canada Pavilion世博园加拿大馆报到
? 10:15 – 10:35
Opening ceremony 开幕式
Moderator: Sarah Kooi, Director of Publications, Association for Canadian Studies
? Wayne Scott, Deputy Commisioner General,Canada Pavilion
? Jack Jedwab, Exe-c utive Director, Association for Canadian Studies
? LIU Jianjun, Director of Centre for Canadian Public Policy Studies, Fudan University刘建军,复旦大学加拿大公共政策研究中心主任
? DU Fachun, Deputy Secretary-General, the Association for Canadian Studies in China 杜发春,中国加拿大研究会副秘书长
? 10:35 – 11:00
Keynote Address 主旨发言
Moderator: Jack Jedwab, Exe-c utive Director, Association for Canadian Studies
Keynote Address 主旨发言
? Roberta Jameson, President and CEO of the National Aboriginal Achievement Foundation
罗伯塔•詹美逊, 加拿大原住民成就基金会总裁
? 11:00 – 13:00
Session 1 Emerging Trends in Migration(each presentation 20 minutes)
Moderator: Peter Li (Professor of Sociology, University of Saskatchewan)
专题1 中加移民趋势 (每位发言时间为20分钟)
主 持:李胜生(萨斯喀彻温大学社会学教授)
Speakers and topics 发言人和题目
? Jack Jedwab(Association for Canadian Studies): “Migration, Culture and Economy : Preservation of Aboriginal and Non-Official Languages in Canada”
杰克•杰伟波(加拿大研究会,执行主任): “移民、文化和经济:加拿大原住民保护和非官方语言”
? WANG Jun(Depute Director-General and Professor, Ethnic Policy Research Center, State Ethnic Affairs Commission)and CHENG Xiaoman (Vice Director of Ethnic Relationship Department, Policy Research Center, State Ethnic Affairs Commission): “Migration of Ethnic Minorities in the Process of Urbanization in China”
? Susan Hardwick (Professor of Geography, University of Oregon): “Migration of Ethnic Minorities in Canada and the United States”
? ZHANG Jijiao(Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Chair of the Commission on Enterprise Anthropology, IUAES) : “The Hukou System and Rural-urban Migration in China”
? 13:00– 14:00 Lunch (午餐)
Location: Canada Pavilion (地点:世博园加拿大馆)
? 14:00-15:30
Session 2 Minorities and Rights of Citizens(each presentation 20 minutes)
Moderator: Huhua Cao(Professor of Geography, University of Ottawa)
专题1 少数民族和公民权利 (每位发言时间为20分钟)
主 持:曹沪华(渥太华大学,地理学教授)
Speakers and topics 发言人和题目
? Sidney Frank (Minister Counselor and Manager of Immigration Section of the Canadian Embassy in Beijing): “Policy Making on Migration and Minorities”
西德尼•弗兰克(加拿大驻华大使馆公使衔参赞): “移民和少数民族的政策制定”
? YANG Zheng(Professor and Director of Economic Department, Shangdong Provincial Administration School)and MA Yunping(Depute Director-General, Shandong Provincial Ethnic Affairs Commission, Shandong Provincial):“Research on Development of Korea People in Shangdong Peninsula of China”
杨珍 (山东省委党校经济学教研室主任、教授)、马银平(山东省民委, 副主任):“山东半岛朝鲜族发展问题研究”
? Gerald Gall (Professor of Law, University of Alberta):“The Rights of Migrants in Canada”
格日德•戈尔(阿尔伯塔大学,法学教授): “加拿大移民的公民权利”
? François Crepeau(Professor of Law, McGill University)“Protecting Migrants’ Rights: Irregular Migration between Sovereignty and Competitiveness”
? 15:30-15:40 Coffer/tea break 茶歇
? 15:40-17:10
Session 3 Migration, Minorities and National Identity (each presentation 20 minutes)
Moderator: WANG Bing(Liaoning Normal University, China)
专题1 移民、少数民族和国家认同 (每位发言时间为20分钟)
主 持:王 昺(辽宁师范大学教授,中国加拿大研究会会长)
Speakers and topics 发言人和题目
? The Honorable Herbert Marx (Former Minister of Justice, Government of Quebec) “Aboriginality, Official Languages and Multiculturalism: Understanding Distinctions in Canadian Commitments”
赫柏特•马科斯(魁北克政府原司法部长)“原住民性、官方语言和多元文化主义: 对加拿大特征的认识”
? JIN Chunzi(Director of Department of City Ethnic Affairs Policy, Bureau of Policy and Laws, SEAC) : “On the Protection for the Rights and Interests of Chinese Urban Ethnic Minorities”
? Jean Teillet(Attorney, Representative for British Columbia, Association for Canadian Studies): “The Internal Migrations of the Métis of the Canadian Northwest”
? Maurice Basque(Exe-c utive Director, Institute for Acadian Studies, University of Moncton): “How to Remain a Small Star in the Canadian Cosmos: 21st Century Challenges for the Acadian People”, and Huhua Cao(Professor of Geography, University of Ottawa) : “Role of French language educational facilities on the vitality of Acadian minority communities in Moncton, Canada: What lessons can China learn from Acadian migrants’ experiences?”
? 17:20-18:30
Session 4 Future Collaborations between Canada-China
Moderator: Jill Price(Exe-c utive Director of the Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada)
Translator: LIU Zhen(Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,)
专题4 中加民族研究合作商谈
? 18:30 Adjournment 休会
? 18:30-21:30, Tour in the Expo 世博园
? 21:30 Depart from Expo to hotel. 从世博园返回宾馆
Day 3 (July 6, Tuesday) Presentations
Location: Fudan University
第三天(2010年7月6日,周二) 会议发言
9: 00 am 午9:00 开始
? 9:00-10:50
Session 5 Ethnic Minorities, Language Minorities and Identity (each presentation less than 20 minutes)
Moderator: ZHANG Zhiyao(Director of Queen’s-China Liaison Office, Adjunct Professor at Fudan University)
专题5 少数民族、民族语言和认同(每位发言时间为20分钟)
Speakers and topics 发言人和题目
? WANG Chaohui(Associate Professor, Minzu University of China): Urbanization Development & Bilingual Language Change: -----A Case Study of Bilingual Language of Minzu University of China
王朝晖(中央民族大学,副教授): “城市化进程与双语变迁: 以中央民族大学少数民族教师双语状况为例”
? Minelle Mahtani (Professor of Geography, University of Toronto): “Focusing the Lens: The Challenges and Opportunities of Covering Diversity”
? André Duguay(Université de Moncton): “The Mi’kmaq of New Brunswick: A Rural Aboriginal People Resisting a National Urbanization Process”
安德鲁•杜古艾(蒙克顿大学): “新布鲁斯克的米卡玛克:乡村原住民对抗国家城市化进程”
? 10:50-11:00 Coffer/tea break 茶歇
? 11:00-12:50
Session 6 Minorities and Transnationalism(each presentation less than 20 minutes)
Moderator: Jack Jedwab, Exe-c utive Director, Association for Canadian Studies
专题6 少数民族与跨国主义(每位发言时间为20分钟)
主 持:杰克•杰伟波,加拿大研究会执行主任
Speakers and topics 发言人和题目
? Peter Li (Professor of Sociology, University of Saskatchewan) : “The Past, Present and Future of the Chinese Overseas Population”
李胜生(萨斯喀彻温大学社会学教授): “加拿大华人人口的过去、现在和将来”
? Laura Madokoro(Doctoral candidate, Department of History,University of British Columbia): “Nation-Building and Migration: Tracing the Origins of the 1973 Family Reunification Agreement Between Canada and the People’s Republic of China”
劳拉•玛德可洛 (不列颠哥伦比亚大学历史系,博士研究生): “国家构建和移民:追踪1973年加拿大和中国家庭团聚协议的起源”
? WANG Bing(Professor of LiaoNing Normal University, Vice President of Association for Canadian Studies in China): “Social integration of new Chinese immigrants in Vancouver”
王昺 (辽宁师范大学教授,中国加拿大研究会副会长) :“温哥华华人新移民的社会融合”
? Marina Jimenez (Globe and Mail, Senior Features Editor) : “Is Multiculturalism the Canadian Brand? Transnational ties, diasporas, and diversity”
玛里娜•杰米尼兹(加拿大环球时报,高级编辑): “多元文化主义是加拿大的招牌吗?跨国联系、离散和多元化”
? 13:00– 14:00 Lunch (午餐)
Location: Fudan University Professor’s Restaurant
? 14:00-16:20
Session 7 Diasporas and Mobility(each presentation less than 20 minutes)
Moderator: ZHANG Jijiao(Professor, Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Chair of the Commission on Enterprise Anthropology, IUAES)
专题7 离散与流动(每位发言时间为20分钟)
主 持:张继焦(中国社会科学院民族学与人类学研究所,研究员)
Speakers and topics 发言人和题目
? PAN Jiao(Professor, School of Ethnology and Sociology, Minzu University of China): “Informal Brokers in the Labor Influx from the Ethnic West to the Manufacturing East”
? Wu Da(Professor, Department of Sociology, Shanghai University) : “Ethnic Groups and Migration in Shanghai China”
? Howard Lin(Professor of International Business & Entrepreneurship and Director of International Research Institute at Ryerson’s Ted Rogers School of Management) & Jian Guan (Professor, Ryerson University’s Ted Rogers School of Management): “Immigrant Entrepreneurship in Contemporary Canadian Context”
? Kenny Zhang (Senior Project Manager, Asia-Pacific Foundation): “Migration and Re-Migration: Canadian Diaspora in China”
? 16:20-16:40 Coffer/tea break 茶歇
? 16:40-18:30
Session 8 Policy-Making on Migration and Minorities(each presentation less than 20 minutes)
Moderator: Kenny Zhang (Senior Project Manager, Asia-Pacific Foundation)
专题7 移民和少数民族的政策导向 (每位发言时间为20分钟)
主 持:张康清(加拿大亚太基金会,高级项目经理)
Speakers and topics 发言人和题目
? CHENG Zhihui(Depute Director-General, Zhejiang Provincial Ethnic Affairs and Religions Commission, Zhejiang Provincial Government) and Professor CHENG Yongge(Vice Director, Institute of Philosophy, Zhejiang Provincial Academy of Social Sciences): A study on the Muslim in Yiwu City of Zhejiang Province
? LIU Zhaohui(Institute of Anthropology,Zhejiang University, China): “Community Participation and The City Amalgamation of New Immigrants in Contemporary China: A Study of Community Life-Based Perspective”
? DU Fachun(Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences ): “The Ecological Migration and Policy Improvement in China”
? 18:30-18:50
Closing ceremony 闭幕式
Moderator: ZHANG Zhiyao(Director of Queen’s-China Liaison Office, Adjunct Professor at Fudan University)
Closing Remarks 致辞
? CHEN Yugang, Deputy Dean, School of International Relationship and Public Affairs, Fudan University 陈玉刚,复旦大学国际关系与公共事务学院副院长
? Jack Jedwab, Exe-c utive Director, Association for Canadian Studies
? DU Fachun, Deputy Secretary-General, the Association for Canadian Studies in China 杜发春,中国加拿大研究会副秘书长
? 19:00 Farewell Dinner 欢送晚餐