里贾纳大学Marion E.Jones教授在社科院民族所讲座
作者:邱意云 日期:2008-12-15 浏览次数:3339

Dr. Marion E. Jones


    应中国社会科学院民族学与人类学研究所(简称“社科院民族所”)的邀请,加拿大里贾纳大学经济系教授江怡安(Marion E. Jones)博士和里贾纳大学研究生院副院长茹东燕(Dongyan Blachford)博士于2008年11月27 日到访社科院民族所。江怡安博士在北京作了题为《加拿大劳动市场上针对弱势群体的培训方案》的学术讲座。
    Regina University Two Professors Visited CASS
    A roundtable discussion on Canadian Labour Market Training Programs for Vulnerable Groups, held in the Chinese National Academy of Social Sciences(CASS) on 27th of November 2008 in Beijing. Dr. Marion E. Jones, Department of Economics, and Dr. Dongyan R. Blachford, Associate Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research, University of Regina in Canada, were invited to CASS to exchange academic views on Canada-China research. During this event, Dr. Marion E. Jones had a presentation on Tipping Points: What Participants Found Valuable in Labour Market Training Programs for Vulnerable Groups.
    Dr. Marion E. Jones introduced their research programs in Canada. She said that based on 1:1 and focus group interviews with people who have experienced ongoing difficulties integrating into Canadian labour markets, and who had completed a labour market training program. Interviews were conducted with 72 individuals who were representative of at least one (an This paper is d often several) categories that inhibited labour market integration: low socioeconomic status, Aboriginal status, single motherhood, criminal justice history, and possessing a disability. The major finding: respondents valued life skills rather than labour-market skills, and these involved life meaning and interpersonal skills. Valued cognitions were gaining a new perspective on life and realizing the past impacts the present. Valued behaviours included personal characteristics and motivations, and building positive social support and social capital. These insights provide theoretically rich considerations could considerably influence labour market policies and practices, particularly since most training programs and policy programs are geared towards human capital accumulation.  The major finding is that the cases studied in Calgary and Regina under significant labour shortages particularly useful in examining conditions under population aging in Canada and beyond.
    Dr. Marion E. Jones got her Ph.D in Economics from the University of London (1994). Her Research Interests: labour market participation for vulnerable peoples in Regina and Calgary, sustainable regional development in rural areas of Saskatchewan and China, women entrepreneurs and the status of women in rural areas - Saskatchewan and Rural china, industrial tourism in Canada and China, national parks policy and nature tourism in Southwest China, theoretical issues regarding sustainability.
    Ten Chinese scholars attended this seminar and exchanged views with Canadian Professors. On 2nd of September 2008, On 2nd of September 2008, Dr. Dongyan R. Blachford was invited by the CASS, her talk is Internationalization in Canadian Higher Education and the Impact of Chinese-Canadian Professors.
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