作者:杜发春 日期:2008-07-15 浏览次数:2808




美国康乃尔大学Matthew Erie发言


    人类学世界大会筹备委员会副秘书长张继焦教授宣读了美国著名企业人类学家、旧金山州立大学都市人类学研究中心主任Bernard P.Wong教授发来的贺信。Bernard P.Wong教授在贺信中说,全球化进程中最引人注目的问题恐怕要属文化在现代经济的企业中所扮演的角色。社会科学家们面临着揭开企业神秘面纱的挑战。一些企业家在世界各地——如日本、中国、香港、台湾和韩国——的创业过程中创造了史无前例的成功;还有一些企业家在某些地区的民族经济中也创造了非凡的成就,如硅谷的华人和印度人,新竹的华人……什么是社会资本和文化资本?文化价值、意识形态、家族制度、一系列传统行为和传统的经济实践为这些企业的成长做出了哪些贡献?又有哪些弊端?这正是需要人类学者和社会学者做出深入研究的。我很欣慰地看到,本次会议的议题代表了大家研究文化和经济体之间的相互作用的最新成果。
    北京师范大学色音教授、中国社会科学院民族所张继焦研究员、中国政法大学游正林教授、华北电力大学副教授刘力纬、美国康乃尔大学博士研究生Matthew Erie、盛世同乐公司总经理包德力格、中国社会科学院民族所副研究员杜发春、北京外国语大学副教授吴咏梅先后发言,内容涉及到:企业人类学的实证研究领域、民族企业家、企业劳资关系、企业的社会责任、人文资源产业化、非赢利组织、日本的经营人类学等方面。会议收到论文11篇。与会学者一致认为,今后要加强合作,共同推进企业人类学在中国的发展。

Report about the Conference on Enterprise Anthropology
    Beijing, July 12, 2008
    Prof. & Dr. Zhang Jijiao
    Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
    Vice-Secretary-General, Organizing Committee for IUAES World Congress
    A conference on “Enterprise Anthropology: Empirical and Applied Research” was held in Beijing on July 12, 2008, which co-organized by the Organizing Committee for the IUAES World Congress and the Journal of Ethno-national Studies (under the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences).
    Prof. Bernard P. Wong, Director of Center for Urban Anthropology, US San Francisco State University, wrote a congratulation letter for the conference. He said that one of the most fascinating topics facing the process of globalization is the role of culture in entrepreneurial pursuits in the modern economy. Many anthropologists and sociologists are attempting to pursue a further study on it. I am glad to note with appreciation that the conference topic represents a state of the art effort in uncovering the dynamic interplays between culture and economic enterprise.
    In the conference 17 participants are from the following 10 academic institutions: US Cornell University, Beijing Normal University, Zhejiang University, Zhongshan (Sun Yat-sen) University, Institute of Sociology at CASS, Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology at CASS, Graduate School at CASS, China University of Political Science and Law, North China Electric Power University, Central University for Nationalities and three companies.
    With the situation of business globalization, demand for enterprise anthropologists is increasing stimulated by a growing need for anthropologists who can approach human behavior. During the conference, 10 presentations included the following topics/aspects:
    Empirical study and applied research of Enterprise Anthropology
    Theories and methodology of corporate organization and enterprise culture
    Consumer behavior and marketing research
    Corporate social responsibility (CSR) studies
    Anthropological knowledge applied in product designing, human resource management and international marketing management of the companies
    Ethnic entrepreneurship
    The role and development of the different kinds of companies (private corporate, state owned company and international company)
    Enterprise anthropology in Japan ( I met three Japanese enterprise anthropologists in Beijing on May 8, 2008. )
    All participants are very excited about the field of enterprise anthropology and consider it as a field, which will be testifying the value and role of anthropology in the times of the market globalization, and will be employing many more anthropologists in the future.
    In order to promote the development of Enterprise Anthropology in China and around the world, 8 Panels will be held during the 16th Congress of IUAES. There are:
    1) Enterprise Anthropology: Review and Prospect
    2) The Comparative Study of Corporate Cultures in East Asia in the Global Age
    3) Consumer Behavior and Credit Research: The Role of Anthropology in Enterprise Development
    4) Enterprise Anthropology: The Chinese in Hi-tech Companies of Silicon Valley
    5) Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): An Anthropological Approach
    6) Ethnic Entrepreneurs in China and Southeast Asia
    7) Minority Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development
    8) The Role of Social Network in Asian Business
    With the situation of business globalization, demand for enterprise anthropologists is increasing stimulated by a growing need for anthropologists who can approach human behavior.
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