加拿大原住民艺术家桑德拉.拉隆德(Sandra Laronde)经加拿大驻华大使馆文化官员Sara Bigatti介绍,于2007年7月17日访问中国社科院民族所。桑德拉•拉隆德此次造访民族所的目的在于更深入地了解中国蒙古族民族文化艺术,为今后中加两国在原住民文化艺术方面的交流和合作做准备。
参加此次座谈会的学者有:中国社科院民族所包胜利教授、张继焦教授,中国加拿大研究会副秘书长杜发春副教授;中央民大音乐学院包爱军教授以及四位蒙古族艺术家:舞蹈家敖登格日勒, 长调艺术家阿拉坦其其格,马头琴演奏家张全胜,青年舞蹈家朝克图参加了座谈。中国社科院研究生院硕士研究生殷鹏、关袆担任翻译。蒙古文化研究专家包胜利教授与加拿大原住民艺术家桑德拉女士深入地探讨了蒙古族文化的独特性、如何保护和发展少数民族文化等问题。座谈会由中国社科院民族所助理教授张小敏主持。
2000年,桑德拉.拉隆德创办了原住民戏剧和舞蹈团 “红色天空”(Red Sky)并担任该团的艺术总监。她带领原住民艺术家以其具有创造性活力的艺术表演赢得了国际社会的瞩目。“红色天空”的原创作品探索出了一条融合世界各国少数民族,原住民多样文化的路子,推动了文化多样性的互动,促进了这些文化与主流文化的健康交流。“红色天空”艺术团擅长演出富有原住民风情的驯鹿之歌、印地安蓝调、祈祷之歌、草地舞等。
最近几年,桑德拉女士还担任莱尔森大学(Ryerson University)、多伦多大学和约克大学等校的客座讲师。
(中国社科院民族所加研中心 张小敏供稿)
Canadian Aboriginal Artist Sandra Laronde Visited CASS
On July 17th of 2007, Ms. Sandra Laronde who is a Canadian aboriginal artist visited the Institute of Anthropology & Ethnology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (IEA/CASS). A roundtable discussion on Sino-Canada aboriginal art has been held during this visit. Professors Bao Shengli, Zhang Jijiao, Du Fachun from CASS, Mongolia artists Bao Aijun, Aodenggerile, Alatanqiqige, Zhang Q iansheng and Chaoketu from the Central University for Nationalities. Artists and scholars exchange views each other on aboriginal art and Culture in both countries, especially centers Mongolia music and art in China. This event was organized by Assistant Professor Zhang Xiaomin from the Canadian Studies Center of IEA/CASS.
Ms. Sandra Laronde, is the Founder and Artistic Director of Red Sky. In 2004, Sandra was one of 225 Canadians chosen to participate in the Governor-General’s Canadian Leadership program that celebrates promising leaders who are making a significant impact on Canada. In the same year, Sandra was also the recipient of Toronto City Council’s 2004 Aboriginal Affairs Award for her contribution towards improving the quality of life for the Aboriginal community of Toronto. She is also listed in the Canada’s Who’s Who which features notable living Canadians. Sandra hails from the Teme-Augama-Anishnaabe (People of the Deep Water) in Temagami, northern Ontario and resides in Toronto. Sandra has been a leader in creating innovative links with Aboriginal, culturally diverse and mainstream communities. Recently, she was a Guest Lecturer at Ryerson University, the University of Toronto, York University, the University of New Mexico, and the National Theatre School. She was one of 500 artists invited to meet HRH Prince Charles on his latest Royal Visit to Canada. Sandra has been involved in many engagements: she served as a spokesperson for the International Olympic Committee for Toronto’s Olympic Bid; contributed to a national consultation with Aboriginal leaders in the area of education and training at the National Aboriginal Achievement Foundation; moderated a panel at the 2002 National Gathering of Aboriginal Artistic Expression for the Department of Canadian Heritage; and was a guest speaker on Perspectives on Innovative Management Practices to the board, officers and staff at the Canada Council for the Arts in 2003. In 1993, Sandra founded Canada’s only organization for First Nations, Inuit and Metis women artists, Native Women in the Arts, and has played a significant role in fostering the careers of thousands of Aboriginal women artists. From 1993-2005, she has helped to produce an immense ripple effect of artistic growth, confidence building and proliferation of performing arts, literary arts and publishing, visual arts, and community development projects through Native Women in the Arts. Sandra holds a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) from the University of Toronto, and studied Spanish Language and Literature overseas for one year at the University of Granada in Spain.
Red Sky has enjoyed a meteoric rise to international attention for its original creations. Founded in 2000 Artistic Director Sandra Laronde, Red Sky is a dynamic company shaping contemporary Aboriginal performance in theatre, dance and music. Red Sky creates and produces original works for adult and family audiences and explores the artistic landscape where world indigenous cultures merge. Red Sky seeks to nourish and strengthen the health, creativity and innovation of First Nations, world indigenous, culturally diverse and mainstream communities.
(Provided by Zhang Xiaomin, CASS)