作者:杜发春 日期:2007-09-03 浏览次数:2787




    2007年7月24日,中国社科院民族所加拿大研究中心邀请莱尔森大学(Ryerson University)国际研究中心主任林小华教授、莱尔森大学工商学院助教授关键博士,作了题为“华人新移民在加拿大的就业与创业”的学术讲座。
    林小华和关键夫妇先后介绍了其近几年来他们有关华人移民的三个研究项目。一是加拿大种族关系基金会项目《亚洲移民在北美定居和整合的多重障碍:“911”和非典之后的事件比较研究》(Multi-Barriers for Asian Immigrant Settlement and Integration: A Comparative Event Analysis of Post 9/11 and Post SARS),二是加拿大社会科学与人文研究理事会项目《网络市场化组织中的少数民族企业家:文化动因和结构再造》(Ethnic Entrepreneurship in Network Marketing Organizations: Cultural Dynamics and Structural Reproduction.),三是加拿大亚太基金会项目《从智囊流失到智囊循环:加中跨国社区从事高科技产业中的华裔离散企业家研究》(From Brain Drain to Brain Circulation – Chinese Diaspora Entrepreneurs in the High Technology Industry: Transnational Community as Innovation Linkage across Canada and China.)。与会学者对于林小华和关键夫妇的华人移民研究项目很感兴趣,并就目前华人新移民在加拿大遇到的困难,以及加拿大的多元文化主义政策等问题进行了较深入的交流。
    Seminar on Settlement, Integration and Entrepreneurship of Chinese Canadians: Research Implications and Synthesis
    On July 24th of 2007, invited by the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (IEA/CASS), Dr. Howard Lin who is the Professor & Director, International Research Institute at Ryerson University Canada, and Dr. Jian Guan who is the Program Evaluation Coordinator of Gateway for International Professionals at Ryerson University, visited IEA/CASS and gave an academic lecture on Settlement, Integration and Entrepreneurship of Chinese Canadians: Research Implications and Synthesis.
    There were 17 scholars attended this seminar including Tsinghua University, State Office of Oversea Chinese Affairs, Institute of Oversea Chinese History, Beijing Foreign Studies University, and CASS. This event was organized by Professor Du Fachun from CASS.
    Dr. Howard Lin and Dr. Jian Guan introduced their research projects they have been doing since 2005-2008, involved “Multi-Barriers for Asian Immigrant Settlement and Integration: A Comparative Event Analysis of Post 9/11 and Post SARS.” For Canadian Race Relations Foundation (Jian Guan, Xiaohua Lin, and Raza Nakhaie, 2005-06); “Ethnic Entrepreneurship in Network Marketing Organizations: Cultural Dynamics and Structural Reproduction.”  For Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (Xiaohua Lin, Jian Guan, etc. 2005-08) ; “From Brain Drain to Brain Circulation – Chinese Diaspora Entrepreneurs in the High Technology Industry: Transnational Community as Innovation Linkage across Canada and China.” For Asian Pacific Foundation of Canada (Xiaohua Lin, Jian Guan, Mary Jo Nicholson, 2007-08).
    Scholars from both countries believed that this kind of academic exchange programs on Chinese Immigrants in Canada should been continued and deepened.
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